Kiki Aranita's Adventures in Vintage CookeryThe Cleaver Quarterly, Issue 5: Summer 2015

Rocky's Fried Rice Omelet, Roads and Kingdoms, December 2015

Sinanglao in Vigan, Roads and Kingdoms, February 2016

Jell-O Shots and Cocktails in Hong Kong, Roads and Kingdoms, March 2016

Breakfast in Old Bagan, Roads and Kingdoms, March 2016

Oil Fried Ghosts and Breakfast in Hong Kong, Roads and Kingdoms, March 2016

Poke on the Big Island and Poke as Public Service in Philly, Roads and Kingdoms, April 2016

Breakfast at Tsui Wah in Hong Kong, Roads and Kingdoms, July 2016

Poi Dog Musubis, Re-PLACE-ing Philadelphia, December 2015